Secrets of Digital Photography
Flash Contest Rules!
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Rules of the Road:
Contest is open to all. It doesn't matter which camera is used, but it probably would be silly to enter if the Prizes of the Nikon eBook for 950/990 and 880 cameras and that ROLLBAR Flash Bracket System for the Nikon 990 were being competed for by people who hadn't a chance of benefiting from them, but I digress.
Rule 1: The image must be captured by or assisted by electronic flash lighting. Any form of electronic flash alone or in concert with other lighting is allowed.
(Image at right was augmented by camera speedlight fill, for instance.)Rule 2: Submitted images must be 640 pixels wide or high at the maximum.
Rule 3: Submitted images must be in JPEG format not larger in file size than 240 Kilobytes.
Rule 4: Entries must be submitted to
or to the Contest announcement thread in the Nikon Forum at you enter it there, everybody gets to see and share and comment. Recommended.
Rule 5: Images need to be created with a digital camera some time in the calendar year 2001. Last year's images won't do. Last month's will.
Rule 6: Contest runs from March 15, 2001 to April 7, 2001. Entries must arrive by E-mail or be posted on the dpreview page no later than 11:59 PM, Pacific Time, April 7, 2001.
Rule 7: Entries must include a valid return E-mail address, Name of Photographer (not just a nick-name, please) and any details that help understand what you were up against or what problems you overcame.
It would be smart to include a shipping address in case you win, but that's another story...
Peter iNova is the sole judge of prize winners, honorable mention winners and decider of who makes it into the Gallery of winners.Prizes will be awarded to the top five (5) images judged to be the best. Each winner will receive a specially labeled eBook with the winning image on the label plus a ROLLBAR Flash Bracket System for the Nikon 990. Retail value of both prizes is nearly $150. (ROLLBAR can be seen on their Website or our Accessories page.)
Small slave flash behind vase triggered by
camera speedlight.
Judging criteria:
- Originality
- Composition
- Design
- Emotional Strength
- Technique
- Problem Solving
No subjects are taboo, this is a contest of artistic achievement. Nobody said you couldn't do things to the image in the digital darkroom.
Special points will be awarded for excellence in any way not mentioned above. See the previous contest Gallery to get an idea of how eclectic things can get.
My appreciation of photography is broad and I am ready to be surprised and amazed.
All entries to the E-mail address will receive an auto-responder message until April 1. I'm in Japan doing research.
All photos remain the exclusive property of their photographers/copyright holders. For permission to reproduce images, contact the original photographers. Email addresses presented are those that accompany the images into the contest. For Email address update or corrections please contact Peter iNova at
Winners will be notified by E-mail coincident with an announcement on the Breaking News! page of this Website. The Winners' Gallery will be posted as soon as a valid E-mail exchange is made with the top 5 Prize Winners. Prize winners will be required to supply a shipping address or fly to Los Angeles at their own expense to pick up the Prize. We recommend that you let us ship it.
By submitting images, you are extending permission to use the images for purposes of display in the Winner's Gallery and as examples of winning images submitted in any promotion of this site. Your may be asked to have your photograph appear in future projects but no permission is assumed by your participation in this contest.
Appearance in this contest does not constitute an endorsement of the products that can be ordered here. These images will appear on their own merit as judged.
The only human being not eligible to enter a photo in this contest is me.