Secrets of Digital Photography
Version 6 eBook    
Updated 9/9/2003



W H A T ' S    I N    I T ?

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Version 6.0 is the new improved version of the immensely popular Mastering Nikon™ Compact Digital Cameras eBook on CD. Version 4.0 was 360 pages. Version 5.0 broke the 400 page barrier by eight pages and Version 6.0 breaks past 500 pages.

All of the previous information is still there. Some has been revised to reflect how much the state of the art of Nikon digital photography has advanced.

Version 6.0 still includes the Camera Operation chapters for the Coolpix 950, 990, 995, 775, 5000, 4500 and 5700 cameras.

Added to these are two new chapters on the Coolpix 5400, 5-megapixel swivel wide-zoom 4:1, 5-megapixel camera. About 50 new pages in all.


The iNovaFX Photoshop Action Filters have all undergone a face-lift from earlier versions. Clearer dialog boxes guide you through streamlined steps and most of the iNovaFX Filters create a useful labeled SnapShot in the History Palette so you can quickly compare the Before to the After. Or this variation to that.

NEW iNovaFX Filters are included. Grad filters in several colors, plus the amazing adjustable iCrosstar series. Roll your mouse over the image, above. This one is the iCrosstar4.

Versions exist that tilt the crosstar effect. Big advantage over the optical variety: You are not stuck with the effect in the shot. All of them allow you to adjust the intensity of the effect AFTER the filter has been placed. The one above is at 60% intensity, for example.

All the new iNovaFX Filters work with Photoshop 6.0 and 7.0.

Add to that a string of subtle tinted iDuoTones, new color mistake corrections customized to the new cameras, new barrel correction versions for the new cameras and tweaks and adjustments to the entire 380+ iNovaFX group.

The entire cluster of 50 packets of iNovaFX Photoshop Action Filters has been reworked and refined. They work better, they look better and they do more to improve, enhance and entertain.

Have Cake -- Eat Cake, Too

This is by far the biggest upgrade of the entire series.

If you purchased V5 from August 15, 2003 onward, you will be automatically getting your V6 CD in the mail when disks start printing in October, 2003.

Orders today go out immediately. First Class, Priority Mail and Overnight USPS delivery is available.

Get the eBook. We have a secure order page that will allow previous eBook owners to upgrade for low cost, too. Or you can call direct and order from the publisher by phone or FAX.
Phone:(310) 475 2988 (M-F 9-5 Pacific Time)  
FAX (310) 475 9486 (24hrs).

© 2002 Peter iNova. All rights reserved. Do not reprint. Simply add a link to this page.
Reprinting except for newsworthy mention and brief quotes are by permission only.