Secrets of Digital Photography
Flash Contest Winner's Gallery
winners at the end



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Very Honorable Mention: Not in an order of relative merit.

Joseph Zou. The challenge of this pix is to capture the joy moment of a 15 month old baby. Manual focus to speed up the shot to shot sequence, umbrella for flat lighting with SB-28. Nikon 990.

Joseph Zou <>


Marilu Bishop. Water in Midair. Freezing water acquires a different meaning when flash illumination is used on the falling wet stuff. Red accent from hand-held flashlight. Nikon 950.


Andy Lai. Yan. "I challenged myself to use camera to do the same arts as Picasso used paint


Jerry Allen. Untitled. A rose illuminated with a home-rigged infrared flash unit.


James Needham. Car Blast at 6:40 am. The exact way many people feel about flash photography.


Jan Vanhulle. Fill flash plus the electric moment with long shutter speed. Olympus 3030.


Lisa Young. Still Pink. The texture in this image is almost edible. Nikon 990.


Y.C. Loh. Friescula. Y.C.'s nephew was on a comedy streak when captured with a 1/30 sec exposure plus flash at just the right moment. The shutter speed brought the background in balance with the action-stopping flash. Nikon 990.


Piet Gispen. Bass Player. Diffuser over flash. Fuji S1 Pro.


Joanne. Untitled. A strong composition of color, environmental elements and angles.
"CP950 using camera's flash and a regular flashlight since I don't have anything else, and I don't have Photoshop so I have to make do with "free after rebate" programs."


Frances. House. The camera flash was only one of many light sources that bring this image alive.


Tony Donaldson. Projectile. Electronic flash was born to stop bullets with Edgerton's first "strobe" units. Tony has mastered the art of triggering the flash within milliseconds of impact. Nikon 990. Ultra high speed flash.


Zoran Obradovic. Evening in Venezuela. Like a scene from a Fellini movie.


James Needham. Enhanced Cactus. Fill flash matted cactus against skyscape plus extensive manipulation in Photoshop for a painterly quality.

Contest Winners:

Five images in the Winners' Circle. From technical finesse to the magic of light, these five top my list and bring to each photographer the Custom Labeled eBook and Rollbar Flash Bracket.

Rex Steyskal. Drop. Timing. Lighting. Magic.

Peter F. Ryczek. Maureen. A slave flash was placed in an orange glass vase and triggered remotely. Olympus 2500L.

Jarrell Conley. Centipede. "Table top photography, two strobes. The difficult part was keeping the little bugger in the frame." Nikon 990.

James Needham. Banana in a Bind. "Before eating it for breakfast I just had to shoot it. Main flash direct, very low and to the right, aimed up a bit. Slave on the left to the rear aimed up with a red filter." Nikon 990.

Petra Holmström. Orange. Blue. Red. Each image solves a different problem. Each contributes to a unified series in an unexpectedly original ensemble. Nikon 950.

Congratulations to all who entered. Winners are invited to send in their real-world mailing address so we can ship your prizes to you.

With 14 Very Honorable Mentions and 5 prizes, it would seem that if your image didn't make it, sorry, it would appear that yours came in twentieth. Don't feel bad, you are in the company of giants.

I'm proud of the over 280 pictures and for the support and encouragement between photographers around the world as demonstrated on the forum as these images were entered there. You have created a community of interest and shown it at its best.

All photos are the exclusive property of their photographers/copyright holders. For permission to reproduce images, contact the photographers. Email addresses presented are those that accompanied the images into the contest. For Email address update or corrections please contact Peter iNova at

Appearance in this contest does not constitute an endorsement of the products sold here. These images appear on their own merit. In fact, many extremely good images didn't make the page. To review the public submissions of images submitted to this contest please visit Digital Photography Review at these addresses:
