Home Help with CD "Issues".
I love that word. "Issues." It avoids seeing things as "Problems" and lets us claim, "Hey, man... No Problem!"
Never mind that the person with the "issue" all over their face is probably turning bright red with frustration. I feel your pain.
Okay, down to business:
Some owners (less than 0.2%) have experienced problems getting the CD to work as expected. So far, they have fallen into a very few categories, and all can be solved.1. Acrobat seems to be slow, incomplete in its rendering, drops pictures, misses pages of type or bombs the computer.
This is usually one of two things. Either Acrobat has only the default memory allocated, or the Acrobat version inside your computer is older than the one included on the eBook CD.
Lack of sufficient memory is the single biggest hang-up with Acrobat Reader 4.
Load the newest version of Acrobat that comes on your CD, give it some serious memory (20 megs or more), and now these large, high resolution files have a much better chance of playing correctly. Note that the "High Res" version is an exact parallel to the "Ultra Res" version but consumes about 40% of the memory space, so it plays faster and easier.
2. Acrobat seems to confuse the computer utterly.
Generally this happens when drivers in your system are either damaged, old or inappropriate. We are trying to track the exact combination of factors down to give you more of an idea about this but the number of the failures of this nature we are seeing is less than 1/10 of 1% so it's hard to sort through the offending code to see exactly what's going on.
Virtually all failures of this type are in Windows OS machines.
Re-installing the system seems to be the big solution, if there is one. We have replaced less than 10 disks from people who were certain that the disk was defective and every single one to date turned out to be the computer, operator error, bad code, bad drivers or a defective reader, not the disk. (see blue side note)
3. It doesn't work at all.
Some PC's are assembled from a broad selection of parts, utilities, drivers and lash-ups that conspire to defeat this CD. How on earth we could have predicted every PC's needs is beyond us. We haven't met a Mac it didn't like (once memory was allocated to Acrobat), but that's another story.
Try the disk out on another PC. A different computer will likely show zero problems and you will at least know that it isn't the disk. That may give you confidence in knowing that the "issue" CAN be solved.
Note: When it does NOT work on any computer, we can only assume that it was manufactured wrong and we will rush you a replacement. You must return the one that doesn't work so we can see what is messed up.
4. It kind of works. But nothing like reliably.
You don't want the hassle of replacing your entire system just to find out IF the problem was there, and I don't blame you. I mean, what if it were a problem that was as obscure as dust on your CD reader's lens? You would have gone to all that trouble and nothing new would be happening.
Here is a work-around. If you can, copy the essential files to your hard disk. The eBook, the Practice/Demo folder and the iNovaFX Filter folder are what you need most (see the picture in the column on the right). You could always download Adobe Reader from www.adobe.com and the most current version is always there for free.
Once the files are on your hard disk, any CD issues should evaporate completely. If they don't, the real problem is inside the system where items 1 and 2 above take precedence.
5. My DVD ROM player doesn't read the CD very well.Not all DVD readers do as good a job on CDs as the manufacturers claims make them sound. We don't know if this is strictly a hardware issue or if there are drivers that could be improved that will improve performance but it does show up rarely that a CD drive that works well with other disks doesn't read this one.
In general, try loading the latest, greatest drivers from your DVD player's manufacturer. And/or try #4, above.
Note: If that doesn't help, then we will need to inspect the CD so we can replace it with a DIFFERENT formula of media. CD's have several variations of reflective material holding that digital image, and it wouldn't help for us to send you a replacement disk with the same exact kind of stuff in it. So we need to put our eyes on it and send you a disk that is manufactured slightly differently. We will gladly replace any disk that is bad for you.
--continued next column, right--
NEW! Loading PS 6.0 demo into Windows XP potential bug and solution.
Thanks to a reader, Chris Kendell, who encountered and subsequently solved this issue, it won't have to bite you if you have it crop up in your system. Here's the e-mail:
I have discovered a bug in the installer for Adobe Photoshop 6.0 Trial version. It does not install from the CD or from the exe if copied to the hard drive first.
I have also discovered the workaround.First the system details:
Windows XP home edition version 2002.
Compaq Presario 5333CL desktop with an Intel 1.8 GHz P4, 512 MB of RAM.Steps to recreate:
1. Locate the file AdobePS6Tryout.exe on the CD in the PhotoshopTryoutWin folder.
2. Double click on the file to launch it.
3. Note that the Self-Extractor dialog appears as expected.
4. Click the Setup button.
5. Notice that the progress bar shows the files being unzipped as expected.
6. Next note that the installer has launched as expected.
7. Answer all of the prompts and move through the installation process.
8. Notice that after the final question you will receive the following error dialog,ComponentMoveData had the following error
Media Name: Data
File: C:\windows\temp\~wzs0b21.tmp\data1.hdr
Error Number: -113 (refer to online help).9. Click OK to this error dialog and you will now be presented with the error message: An error occurred during the Move Data Process: -113.
Now for the solution:
1. Using your favorite unzip program (I used WinZip 8.0), unzip the file contents to a directory on your hard drive.
2. Double click on the Setup.exe file located in that directory.
3. This should install the trial version of Adobe Photoshop 6.0 without encountering the Move Data error.- Chris
General wisdom Department:Files to copy to your hard disk:
To jump past any disk "issue," copy the iNovaFX_Filters, Practice/Demo_images and Mastering Nikon Cameras_eBook folders to your hard disk.
This avoids the CD player, its utilities or drivers and any logic that may prevent smooth playback.
Now if you have problems, they would have to be with the way Acrobat or your computer is dealing with the eBook files.
We are NOT your computer problem solvers, nor are we qualified to trouble shoot your system "issues."
So far, every single CD that has been identified by users as "Defective" has proven to be fine, but the user's computer system had "issues" of its own.
(except a few that I won't mention...)
If you are having difficulty loading things from the CD, the chances are greatest that it has something to do with the utilities or drivers inside your computer.
Download a brand-new, never been touched version of Adobe Acrobat if you can't get the one on the disk to work for you.
Unix versions are here too.
The PDF files are readable from any of the Windows, Macintosh or Unix platforms and the iNovaFX filters will work with Photoshop 5.0 and above on all these systems.
Although not all the following systems support Photoshop, they all can play the PDF files of the eBook!
Adobe has special versions of Acrobat for:
- Win 95
- Win 98
- Win 2000
- Mac PPC
- Mac 68K
- Sun Solaris SPARC
- Digital UNIX
- OS/2 Warp
...and others.
The eBook 4.0 mentions picture frame art files that are not on the CD.
You can pick them up here.
6. The type looks bad but the pictures look okay.
What the? On every screen we've experienced, over 20 different kinds, the type looks great and is "readability personified." Is there some utility, font interpreting code or specific monitor setting that could cause this? Anybody who can't read the type easily at 125% or 150% and who has a high quality monitor of 1024 x 768 or 1280 x 1024 pixels should be able to see it all clearly. Only one person reported this phenomenon, but if you could give us some feedback, solution or cause, we would like to include it here.
7. The %$#@#$% thing doesn't work.
It is possible that a disk is actually messed up. Something in its files were corrupted at the manufacturing end. These are all made by a commercial duplicator so occurances are exeedingly rare, but It can happen.
The track record so far has been better than the one experienced by most CD ROMs and we are grateful for that. Still, it would only frustrate you if you got a bad one.
We will replace any bad disk but insist on getting the original back so we can trace any problem.
We would rather err on the side of the customer than make you jump through hoops to our benefit. Still, it is frustrating to us to see that when we have replaced disks, the returned disk is fully functioning and works on both Mac and PC's perfectly. I'm sure you understand.
By testing the errant disk in other machines, you can find out a lot. That other computer will likely not have the same issues at all. When it works there, you know instantly that the problem isn't the disk and you can work to solve it to the betterment of your system.
If the other computers give up on the disk completely, then you t it's the disk and you can email us for a replacement, which we will be glad to provide.
You will be asked to send back the original package in as close to resellable condition as you can.
See the notes in Q3 and Q5, above.
An easy way to do this is to simply put the dead disk in the replacement package and return that in the recycled shipping container. We don't need to see it instantly, so you can use cheap postage.
Only if the returned disk proves to be fully functional in every way would we open a dialog with you about recovering postage and handling for the replacement.(The actual number of truly "failed" disks has been less than twenty. While the total number of people "convinced" that the disk was "bad" has been over fifty as of the date of this page.)
December, 2003