


Stand and deliver!

You mean people pirate the eBooks? I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you!

Pirates think they are getting away with something, and for a while they may. But the best defense against piracy is in our hands: I own this material and my publisher and I love to nail pirates. When our lawyers find out that a pirate is at work, dollar signs appear in their eyes.

You can help. And earn a reward, too.

I've worked hard to allow legal owners to print out the eBook, access its software and enjoy its many features without impediment. Along the way, I have seen that a small number of folks have decided that they will run off copies of it and try to sell it on the Internet, or over the counter in a few places.


Shame on you. Piracy is a big felony. Think "walk the plank." Or worse: Think jail time. Get ready for the heavy hand of retribution while you are processing that feeling of guilt.

Your customer is just as likely to read this page and find out how they can clear their own conscience, get a legal copy of the eBook, and help lash you to the mast while they earn a reward for turning you in.


When you find yourself looking at a home-made copy of any eBook by Peter iNova, you may have evidence in your possession that could earn you a reward.

That "deal" you got wasn't on the up-and-up, and now you know it. If you keep silent, then you have participated in a felony. No matter what, the pirated copy doesn't allow you to upgrade and no support is given.

But if you speak up and help us find the pirate who made an illegal copy of our product --or made one available to you-- we will treat you with appreciation and honor. What usually happens is that the pirate gets to buy their way out of jail time and public disgrace with a hefty cash settlement.

The buccaneer in NYC that got nailed coughed up five grand.

The stupid "hip dentist" in Louisiana forked over a four figure check, as well. And he had to give us a list of all his customers, so they had to pay for the real thing.

How would you like to earn a 25% reward?

If we collect from the pirate, you could collect, too. First one to turn them in is eligible for the reward. Anybody else who chimes in doesn't get hassled.

Drop me a line if you see a non-genuine DSLR eBook out there. While we are nailing the swashbuckler, we will let you hold the hammer for a few blows...



Or you can call direct and talk to the publisher by phone or FAX.

Graphics Management Press
Phone:(310) 475 2988 (M-F 9-5 Pacific Time)  
FAX (310) 475 9486 (24hrs).

© 2002 Peter iNova. All rights reserved.