...possibly the coolest way to travel modest distances...

1.2>>                     featuring the Segway HT                  1.2 >>

Qik Clix:

Safety & Convenience
What's it Like?
Banned in SF
HT Racing
About the Author
Segway LA
Meet #1
Meet #2 June 03
Meet #3 Aug 03

The Bob's Ride(s)
Breaking News
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2 3 X

Click -> to order

The Segway HT™ is the subject of a new book from best selling technology author, Peter iNova.

Segway Secrets debuts at SegFest 2003!

(A limited number of Author's proof editions are available at SegFest. See Peter iNova and/or the Kcaps booth for details.)

All the answers, animations, secrets, techniques, future uses, milage tips, operational tricks, technology, videos, science and revelations that make this machine such a wow.

Signed books will be first available at SegFest 2003 in Chicago (my personal old stomping grounds) on August 29.

Does the Segway HT forecast an era in which there will no longer be " old stomping grounds?" Will kids of today refer to their "old glide paths" instead? It could happen.

A peek at a number of thumbnails of the book's pages is on the Breaking News page.

Graphics Management Press, ISBN # 882383-22-2, book with CD ROM for Macintosh and Windows. 112 pages, 285 illustrations and images, $29.95.





New! Fun News Page




Updated 8 28 03 

Segway HT™ deliveries started 3/1/03! Did you get yours yet?

Q! Where?

A. Amazon.Com. $495 to reserve it (not refundable) and $4000 on delivery. (Total $4495.00)

Get in line for quickest delivery:
Segway Human Transporter -- First Come/First Served

It's not like a car that depreciates the moment you drive off the lot. At this hour, you can purchase a Segway HT, try it and --for whatever reason-- decide to sell it, and you would not lose very much money, if any.





Bumper Sticker:
"My other car is a Segway"

Q! What the heck is it?

A. They call it an HT.
The two-wheeled Segway HT is a computer non-scooter that does, indeed, swoop you over hill and dale, gliding eight inches above the ground between two largish wheels positioned next to your ankles. Rather a minimalist electric people mover.

What's the HT stand for?

  • Halloween Trick?
  • Handy, That?
  • Holy Toledo?
  • Heavy Thinking?
  • Hug a Tree?
  • Horrible Tragedy?
  • Haphazard Technology?
  • Happy Tickle?
  • Honest Travel?
  • How Thoughtful?
  • Hulking Terror?
  • Human Transporter?

Pick one. Make sure it is the last one in the list.

The Human Transport, idealized, is an all weather, indoor and outdoor use, easy recharging, silent, self-balancing, intuitive and theft resistant, vehicle of sorts with non-marking tires. It is designed from the ground up for the short trips you might make on your feet, but don't want to because they're really out of foot range.

A unique attribute is that unlike any vehicle in your definition, it has been designed to move you from where you sit in Place A to where you sit in Place B, via all the intervening rugs, halls, walks, paths, sidewalks and grounds in between. It's a desk to desk device for short distance travel. In that way, it's a "pedestrian amplifier" as opposed to prior definitions of "vehicle."

It will haul your 250 pounds or less about ten miles (15-17 tops) with about 7¢ to 10¢ worth of AC power charging its batteries.

  • The handlebar adjusts but steering is performed with a turning collar in the left grip.
  • It glides along pavement, grass and dirt paths quite effortlessly.
  • It climbs curbs with an assist mode and takes the bumps and uneven gaps of sidewalks with ease.
  • It turns in place and balances under you automatically.
  • It even recovers energy as it regeneratively recharges when going down hill.

It's not exactly a magic carpet. More like a magic welcome mat.

It looks--and is--incredibly original, complex and simple all at the same time. A huge amount of computer technology, a major amount of electric transport technology and a definitively grand amount of engineering technology are in it, all in service of gliding you across the urban landscape standing up.

In its own way, it's like an electric wheelchair for people who are standing. Although it is not certified as a medical device, people who can stand up and balance, but who can't walk with ease, are finding that the HT is a godsend. Some individuals with MS are discovering that it answers their need for ease of mobility.

For people who have no disabilities, it extends their range and allows them to go farther and experience more of their locale without using their cars.

"You have teenagers thinking they're going to make millions as NBA stars when that's not realistic for even 1 percent of them. Becoming a scientist or engineer is."
--Dean Kamen

Q! Who makes it?

A. Segway LLC. Dean Kamen, top inventor.

His self-propelled background is in medical inventions (DEKA Research's Home Choice™ home dialysis machine, AutoSyringe™ insulin pump, intravascular stent, surgical irrigation pump, high-tech Stirling engine), and he makes a fortune with them.

He attracts bright people and founded FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) an educational encouragement organization.

He even designed the iBot, a smart wheel chair that stands up on demand and walks up stairs. Got twenty five grand? You might prefer that to the HT. Some of the iBot technology has been distilled into the HTs.

Not to be caught napping, he recently introduced a cool gizmo (top) that uses that Stirling engine (bottom) to generate electricity WHILE purifying river, ocean or polluted water into drinking water in far-flung locations. Quiet, efficient, inexpensive and ever so helpful to people in places that don't have water and power. He got a standing ovation at the TED conference where it was introduced this year.

Learn about Segway from their own mouth here.
Check into DEKA here.
Check into FIRST here.

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