Secrets of Digital Photography
iNovaFX Filter Assistance 2



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Barrel Correction Made Easy.

Got barrel? Sure you do. Even if you merely zoom full wide, there is a certain amount of barrel distortion in your shot.

It is a function of miniaturization. Barrel distortion can be corrected if you throw enough glass at the problem, but not today, not here, not with the miniature zoom lens in the 950 and 990.

How bad is it? Not too bad, but it can show in images of straight-line subjects. At the right we've thrown the editor out with the contents of the cutting room floor, but we've picked up some barrel distortion, too.

Roll your mouse over the image to see how easy it was to run the iBC24@W-950 filter and make the lines go straight. Notice the bright line crop to the top and bottom.

That shows what the final size will become after all the distortion has been removed.

With the 950 versions of the iBC filters, one must use a horizontal, 1600 pixel-wide image.

Fortunately you can do this in PS 5.0 to PS 6.0.

-iNova 1/2/01 

You get more than one demo. Not only are the before and after barrel correction images here, but notice the added warmth in the final version. One quick click of the slightly warmer filter and the image looks more perspective-decent and color-decent.