Secrets of Digital Photography
V6 iNovaFX Actions! New in V6 Coolpix eBook
All photos by the author. |
Undocumented Feature
To get a distinct color effect, at least one of the three color filter layers will have to be off, but the densities of the remaining layer(s) are your controlling variables. Default is 10% each, but you can make them any density you wish with the Opacity control in the top row of the palette. As you make changes here, the image will update showing you the effect. You must select and highlight each layer in turn to produce the correction. Just so there is no confusion, you could make the Yellow layer stronger and the Magenta layer weaker, causing a more gold CC effect, etc, but adding ANY amount of the third color layer merely introduces a neutral density effect as strong as the percentage value of the weakest layer. If you had adjusted things and saw Yellow 10%, Cyan 5% and Magenta 15%, you could simply remove 5% from each making Yellow 5%, Cyan 0% (or OFF) and Magenta 10%, producing the exact and precise same color effect after appropriate Curves Compensation layer adjustment.
You adjust this from its default setting by dragging the white point around from left to right while observing the density change to the image. Of course, if you wish, you can make more elaborate Curves control settings. The default density of each filter layer being 10% adds up to a total overall dimming of the image by 10%. Meaning that dimming the white point of the image by 10% would bring it back to unity with the original. In Curves control numerology, that equals 10% of 255 or -51 units. Also known as an input/output number of 204 which is shown here. But the Cyan channel is switched off, so it really should be about 2/3 of the differential number making an adjustment of the white point of only -34 or 221. So this test image is slightly OVER compensated. Don't worry, I'll get the hang of it... As with many iNovaFX Photoshop Action Filters, experience will be helpful. Try both large and small color tweaks to your images with this Action and by the time you've spent a half-hour with it, your arsenal of color image manipulations will have grown. You'll get the hang of it, too. Two versions are provided, one for use with 8-bit/channel images and another for use with 16-bit/channel images. I prefer the latter especially with the new Photoshop CS which is more 16-bit savvy than PS6 and 7. Once you have tinted the image with the amount of color compensation you wish, flatten the image and save it under a new name, leaving your original untouched. * iNovaFX Photoshop Action Filters.
iNovaFX Actions are in each eBook title from the Coolpix through DSLR series. Reprinting except for newsworthy mention and brief quotes are by permission only. |